• Joint Statement
    Invitation for active participation
    in the worldwide day of support for human rights in Iran
    22 July 2009

  • Open Letter to Secretary General of the United Nations
    Mr Ban Ki-Moon
    5 July 2009

  • Statement of Women Working Group of the OIPFM
    A Bill of Further Humiliation and Destruction of Family
    August 14, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM
    Stop Executions and Revenges
    August 11, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM
    The Islamic Republic is Responsible for Ms. Shirin Ebad's Safety and Security
    August 11, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM
    Refer to the People for Resolving the Nuclear Crisis!
    Submit the Acceptance of the Proposed Package, as a Base for Negotiation to a Referendum!
    June 30, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM
    Start of Preparatory Negotiations, a Step toward Nuclear Crisis Resolution
    July 9, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM on Group 5+1 Proposed Package to the Islamic Republic
    Don not Miss the Historical Opportunity for Resolving Nuclear Crisis and Repelling Threats!
    Acceptance of the Proposed Package, as a Base for Negotiation is in Country's National Interests!
    June 22, 2008

  • Statement of Central Council of the OIPFM
    The Islamic Republic in the Vortex of Crises
    June 14, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM
    The Islamic Republic Crimes against Kurdish Prisoners Intensifies
    May 23, 2008

  • Statement of the Political-Executive Board of the OIPFM
    Our Fellow Baha'i Citizens Must be Set Free
    May 20, 2008

  • Statement of Central Council of the OIPFM
    Assessment of the Eighth Parlimentary Election and its Consequences
    Negative Response to the Undemocratic and Controlled Election by the Majority of People
    May 08, 2008

  • History, Views and Goals of the OIPFM
    Sept. 2007

  • History of the Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaian (Majority) 1971-2007

  • Ratified Instrument of the Fifth Congress
    Views and Goals of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fadaian - Majority (OIPFM)

  • Statement of Central Council of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fedaian (Majority) on Political Situation in Iran and Near Future
    Necessity for Resistance against Widespread Repression and Struggle for Freedom and Human Rights (1 August 2007)

  • Letter to Mr Javier Solana (17 July 2007)

  • Joint Statement
    Defeating the new Wave of Suppression of the Islamic Republic by Resistance
    (12 July 2007)

  • Open Letter To Mr. Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela (2 July 2007)

  • Resolution on Nuclear Crisis and International Reaction Ratified by the 10th Congress of the Organization of Iranian People’s Fedaian (Majority) (Feb. 2007)

  • Letters and Declarations (html)

  • History of the Organisation of Iranian People's Fedaian (Majority) 1971-2001 (html)

  • info@fadai.org